Underrated and overrated games
Underrated and overrated games its relative term depending on someones opinion. The games i will list might differ from what someone conceive as underrated or overrated so take it with a grain of salt
Looking at critics score for this game just under 70 on MC this is a shame for such an amazing action/adventure game. Sure the game is unoptimize and buggy but get past that and you have a great story with an amazing atmosphere and on top of that you have some great visuals in both art style and technical graphics ( some amazing water and shadow effects ). The game is also scarier than some other games labeled as scary. Cough Deadspace ( dont get me wrong its a great game but scary is not )
The game goes regularly on sale for less than €5 on various DD sites including steam and gamersgate and i highly suggest getting it for anyone interested on something different than number 45543 COD rehash
Begone Demon
Far Cry 2
Oh Far Cry 2. You are indeed a Far Cry from far Cry 1. As you noticed this falls in the overrated category
Sure you get an optimized and great looking game. Sure you get a huge place to explore. But what to do with it if its boring to the point you wonder if the €5 you bought it on sale worth it. No story what so ever ( well there is a story but no one cares ) the tedious task of going from one place to other i spend half the time driving from one place to another ( sure there is a bus line for quick travel but there are what 5-6 in a huge map )
The repetitive setting and enemies. It's kind disheartening wiping a camp of 5-6 people just to drive 100 metres down the road and return to see the same 5 enemies doing the same freaking stuff they were doing the last time before you killed them
Ahh the jungle. This should have been a proper FC sequel
Assasin's Creed
Pretty much what goes for Far Cry 2 goes for Assasins Creed or what and half the internet like to call it Asscreed . Boring and repetitive. Let alone the pc version didnt help with the remarkably high system requirements ( of course nowdays pretty much every semi decent pc can play it ). Every other mission is the same with the previous one ( assassinate said person using knife for a billionth time ) NPC's are apparently all relatives and act the same way and all the say is the same 2 sentences over and over again
Let alone the inconsistent story . To games defense though and the same goes for FC2 it has great graphics and great setting and allows you to explore but i wouldnt pay more than 10 for this game
Such a beautiful place been so boring
Serious Sam 3
As is are you serious giving this game 72 in MC reviewers ? An fps that takes you back to the good old days of fps games before COD taking over. An fps game with balls throwing you hordes of enemies with over the top weapons to your disposal to get the job done. There is no story what so ever but who cares when you are done killing the 26577434 Headless Kamikaze. Also who cares when there dozens of different enemy types to kill in what is one of the best co-op games out there. Let alone the 4 player split screen. Seriously when was the last time a pc game had split screen . Add to that some great graphics with alot of graphics options to tweak just like what us pc gamers like and you have one of the best fps games to come out lately . No other games relies that much on enemy discrimination and no other game does it as great as SS3 BFE that you never get bored killing enemy after enemy
Hey look. Its headless Bob
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