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Far Cry 3 An optimization success

  After the disappointment Far Cry 2 was i was quite reluctant to buy FC3 despite all the good reviews it was getting ( Fc 2 got some good reviews as well ). Finally i cave in and bought it thanks to greenmangaming for just 30 euros     First thinks first . This game is everything FC2 supposed to be. Sure FC2 had great graphics huge open world gameplay but in the end it was boring and repetitive. FC3 on the other hand took the open world approach and made a great game out of it. There is an interesting story behind it lots of  varied side quests to do and a big world to explore but above all it doesnt end up feeling the chore FC2 was. There are some flaws that could have been avoided , the most serious one is lack of manual save ( though there is a save on main menu it actually only saves your last checkpoint ) so when you are exploring  for nearly 1 hour collecting artifacts and animal skins and all of a sudden an enemy comes and kills you th...

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